
The Center For Self Awareness was a program that was initiated in 1998 and completed in 2005 after two groups went through the four year curriculum described below.

The Study of the Psychology of Identity Consciousness
Developed and taught by Dr. Judy Christenson, PhD in Psychology, the Course provides a 4 year intensive on ego mastery through emotional self-responsibility. The Course is intended for individuals who seek a way to go beyond :

  • Conditioned Consciousness
  • Limitation Perceptions
  • Self-Judgment

DenialParticipants learn life skills to move beyond reactive emotions, behaviors and denial into self-awareness and personal empowerment where healing takes place rapidly. The goal is to move beyond ego. The logical human mind is the tool of the conditioned ego. Learning the tools that enable one to perceive beyond our limitations and social conditioning, leads to emotional responsibility. Participants learn to move past ego, to pay attention to reactive emotions, then how to choose between taking responsibility for those emotions or not. The ‘keys’ teach participants how to move past the ego’s ability to keep us in :

  • Blame
  • Rationalization
  • Logic
  • Trust
  • Certainty
  • Choice
  • Love
  • Self-Knowledge
  • Self-Value


Emotional awareness is at the heart of knowing who we really are. When we begin to live outside the limitations of social conditioning, we begin to exist in states of being such as:

When we can feel our personal truth, we can empower ourselves to create our highest possibilities and deepest desires.

Self-Awareness Counseling
Graduates of the Course have an opportunity to gain a Practitioner Certification from Dr. Christenson. Self-Awareness Counselors apply a practical application of the material and provide a variety of services for those who wish to understand social conditioning and its contribution to the dysfunction of emotional and physical health.

Traditional counseling has been woefully inadequate, producing only intellectual understanding rather than the skills to resolve future emotional problems — which inadvertently reinforces victim identities and the inability to move beyond reactive emotional conditioning and the perceptions of “lack.”

Services offered through the Center For Self Awareness are uniquely experiential and integrative.

Phone and on-line counseling – 20 counselors trained in the Psychology of Identity Consciousness work with clients for a number of sessions. This work is instructive and utilizes a format of personal coaching to assist the client in learning to perceive beyond the limited rationale of their conditioned ego/mind to discover underlying belief structures, judgments, denials and identities.

The format for learning these skills
and achieving the remarkable benefits of altering personal conditioning, is the client’s own life. All learning is experiential rather than just didactic or intellectual.