School of InterBeing
In developmental stages now, The School of InterBeing will become a training center that offers courses to inspire, revive and enliven the human spirit. The school’s focus will be to provide trainings that are practical in nature.
The SIB offers a 21st Century Life Skills course, which incorporates the 4 components of healthful, balanced living in the new century: Self Care, Self in Relation to Others, Self in Relation to Nature, Integration and Holistic Activism.
What is InterBeing?
Zen Master, scholar, and peacemaker, Thich Nhat Hanh, created The Order of Interbeing (Tiep Hien) during the Vietnam War as a means to help people cope. The Vietnamese phrase for interbeing is “Tiep Hien”.
Tiep means “to be in touch” with ourselves in order to connect with the source of wisdom, understanding, and compassion in each of us. It also means to be in touch with our physical world.
“Hien” means the present time. Unless we live in the present moment it is difficult to “be in touch” with the joy and suffering that co-exist within our selves and the planet.
Hence, interbeing has emerged as a new word and philosophy for creating social change and healing in our personal and global consciousness. When we realize our “interbeing” nature, we recognize the significant part we each play in the larger web of life.
Values Statement
We believe that much of the suffering in the world occurs because of disconnection – with our true selves, with others, and with the Earth. We cherish the dignity,worth, and power of individuals, recognizing that solutions to world problems come from inspired and courageous people.
Life Skills Overview
Self-Care We begin by delving into the age-old adage “Know Thyself” by providing a nurturing environment and offering experiences that lead participants into who they truly are – values, needs, spiritual center, joys, and deepest desires – helping them to set a vision and mission in life.
Self in Relation to Others
We teach techniques to more deeply communicate with others: how to feel our own emotions then to express them, how to be receptive – to really listen to and share -with others. We encourage play, planning and co-creation.
Self in Relation to Nature
Our philosophy maintains that disconnection from the Earth is disconnection with one’s self. Therefore we emphasize stewardship of the environment as a way to connect with and sustain our spiritual self.
Integration and Holistic Activism
Activating new awareness and skills acquired from the 21st Century Life Skills course is accomplished by social and community participation. We encourage participants in the course to join local causes, lead group efforts and take the teachings of SIB into their daily lives.