The Forestry Action Committee

The The Forestry Action Committee – was founded 10 years ago on the premise that ecosystem balance can only be created from the bottom up, and only by the people who actually occupy that space because they are the only people who actually know what is going on there.

The ground rules of the Forestry Action Committee are open membership, to be broad-based, consensus and diverse. We operate by mutual courtesy and respect. It is our job to build the middle ground in the community and to come up with actions that improve the health of the community and watershed in the Illinois Valley through a focus on forestry. Forestry Action

Shui Long – the path of the Water Dragon — is an ancient and powerful tool for developing global consciousness in the modern age. With roots in proto-Daoism and shamanic traditions, Shui Long has the ability to open the practitioner up to an awareness of their interconnectedness with nature and with others, to transcend their social conditioning toward becoming a truly global citizen.