Proyecto Agua Limpia México

Proyecto Agua Limpia Mexico is dedicated to improving public health and quality of life by providing access to clean and safe drinking water to rural communities throughout Mexico.

Our mission is to deliver effective and sustainable clean water solutions through the distribution of Sawyer Water Filters, educate communities on water hygiene, and collaborate with local and international organizations to support lasting improvements in water quality.

We are dedicated to promoting healthier lives and empowering communities through reliable water resources.

Mexico is the 13th largest country in the world by population and is comprised of approximately 131 million people. 20% or 26 million people, live in rural areas with very limited access to potable water.

Clean water is imperative for healthy living. Food and waterborne diseases such as bacterial diarrhea and hepatitis A are listed as major infectious diseases plaguing Mexico today. Because of the lack of safe water in rural areas, people must purchase drinking water in plastic water bottles or through water purification plants that provide bottled water in 5-gallon containers. This is a costly option for families who can’t afford to buy bottled water on a regular basis.

For 8 years the Proyecto Agua Limpia Mexico team of water angels have worked in partnership with Rotary International in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and individual Rotary Clubs, from the US and Canada, to create water filter distribution programs in rural areas of Jalisco and Nayarit; states located in Western Mexico. To date we have distributed approximately 8000 Sawyer Water Filters to rural communities and for disaster relief caused by hurricanes.

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